A Better Way to Track Your Weight

Are you a weigher or a non-weigher?  For me I am a religious weigher.  I typically weigh every morning like clock work and write it down in my journal.  There are pros and cons to this method and one major con is mornings that my weight goes up even when I’ve been on track.  It’s so discouraging! I bet you can relate.

I heard a weighing tip somewhere along the way that I’ve adopted and find super helpful.  I still weigh every day and write it down but now I figure up my average weight for the entire week and then compare average weight to average weight.  So here’s an example (and a basic math tutorial): 

-Monday - 130.1 lbs

-Tuesday - 130.9 lbs

-Wednesday - 129.9 lbs

-Thursday - 130.0 lbs

-Friday - 130.6 lbs

-Saturday - 130.9 lbs

-Sunday - 131.1 lbs

Now I add all the individual weights together for a total of  913.5 lbs.  Then I divide my total 913.5 by 7 (for the total number of individual weights I recorded) which equals an average weight for the week of 130.5 lbs.  

Then I can compare my average weight for the entire week to my prior average weekly weights and get a more accurate picture of my true progress (or not).  When  you only weigh once per week, even if it’s always on the same day of the week, you run the risk of catching a fluctuation in your weight and missing out on your true results. 

So if you are a routine weigher I encourage you to give this method a try.  Let me know what you think!


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