
  • Peptides for Weight Loss | Semaglutide

    Semaglutide is a prescription compounded formula of a GLP-1 agonist. It is a once-a-week injection that goes into your fat. It works on one cellular receptor site and helps control appetite by signaling to the brain that you are full, improving insulin function and slowing digestion which causes you to feel full sooner and for longer.

    This package includes:

    -Initial and follow-up consultations



    -One vial of Semaglutide

    -Shipping costs

    -Lab order and review if needed

    -Free App with a food log, chat feature, and appointment scheduling.

    -Free access to the Peptide Protocol course which reviews recommended dietary and lifestyle habits

  • 1 ml -$225

    2 ml -$400 ($50 savings)

    3 ml -$575 ($100 savings)


  • Peptides for Weight Loss | Tirzapetide

    Tirzapetide is a prescription compounded formula that offers a dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist. GIP and GLP-1 are hormones that play a crucial role in regulating glucose metabolism and appetite. It is a once-a-week injection that goes into your fat.

    GLP-1 is released from the intestine in response to food intake and helps lower blood glucose levels. GLP-1 also slows down gastric emptying, reducing the rate at which food moves through the stomach, leading to increased feelings of fullness or satiety.

    GIP is another hormone secreted from the intestine after food consumption. Like GLP-1, GIP can also stimulate insulin release from the pancreas, thereby reducing blood glucose levels.

    The dual action of GIP and GLP-1 by tirzepatide is an innovative approach that aims to improve glucose regulation while simultaneously enhancing appetite control and promoting weight loss.

    This package includes:

    -Initial and follow-up consultations



    -One vial of Tirzapetide

    -Shipping costs

    -Lab order and review if needed

    -Free App with a food log, chat feature, and appointment scheduling.

    -Free access to the Peptide Protocol course which reviews recommended dietary and lifestyle habits

  • 1 ml -$275

    2 ml -$500 ($50 savings)

    3 ml -$725 ($100 savings)


  • Peptides for Health + Well-Being | BioBoost

    This is an injectable medication that includes a powerful blend of methionine, inositol, choline, B6, B12, carnitine, and arginine, which are designed to enhance your overall health and well-being. These injections will help you feel more alert and energized. With regular use, these injections can also help improve your mood, reduce anxiety, and boost your immune system.

    In addition to mood-enhancing benefits, this injection is also great for your physical health. It can improve your liver function, lower cholesterol levels, and even promote healthy weight loss. Plus it is packed with antioxidants to help fight free radicals and keep your body healthy from the inside out.

    This package includes:



    -One vial of BioBoost which provides for 10 weeks of use.

  • 10 ml vial - 10 injections - $125

Acne Cream

  • Peptides for Cosmetics

    Multiple prescription creams are available for acne treatment. Depending on needs the correct combination will be prescribed.

    This package includes:

    -Initial and follow-up consultations

    -Prescription acne cream

    -Shipping costs

    -Free App with a chat feature and convenient appointment scheduling

  • 30 grams - $100

Tretinoin Cream

  • Peptides for Cosmetics | Tretinoin

    Tretinoin is a the first FDA approved prescription retinoid for the reduction of wrinkles.

    Tretinoin, also known as all-trans retinoic acid, is a derivative of vitamin A and is a prescription medication commonly used in dermatology for its anti-aging benefits.

    Tretinoin is known to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. Collagen is a protein that provides structural support to the skin, making it firm and smooth. As we age, collagen production naturally decreases, leading to the formation of wrinkles and sagging skin. By promoting collagen synthesis, tretinoin can help improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines, and restore skin elasticity.

    Tretinoin accelerates the turnover of skin cells, which means it helps shed old, damaged skin cells more rapidly, revealing newer, healthier skin underneath. This process, known as exfoliation, can lead to a more radiant and youthful complexion and may help fade age spots and sunspots over time.

    Tretinoin is effective in reversing some of the signs of photoaging caused by long-term sun exposure. It can improve skin texture, even out skin tone, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles caused by photodamage.

    Tretinoin can help improve the skin's ability to retain moisture, leading to better hydration. Well-hydrated skin looks plumper and more youthful, and it can also reduce the visibility of fine lines.

    By continuously promoting collagen production and increasing cell turnover, tretinoin can help prevent the formation of new wrinkles, making it a valuable component of a long-term anti-aging skincare routine.

    Tretinoin is available in various strengths, and its use should be tailored to an individual's skin type and concerns. It is best to start with a lower concentration and gradually increase as tolerated to minimize irritation.

    This package includes:

    -Initial and follow-up consultations


    -One 30gm tube of tretinoin

    -Shipping costs

    -Free App with a chat feature and convenient appointment scheduling

  • 20gm 0.025% tube - $130

    45gm 0.050% tube - $250

Testosterone Therapy

  • Testosterone Therapy

    Testosterone Therapy can help you reclaim your vitality and restore balance to your life. Services include a free initial consultation that covers potential symptoms that could be due to a low testosterone level as well as a medical history review to ensure you are a good candidate. Lab tests will then be ordered and if low levels are detected, we proceed with prescribing testosterone.

    Because there's no one-size-fits-all approach to optimal health, we invite you to embark on a journey toward vitality with us. Book an initial testosterone consultation and let us craft a personalized low testosterone treatment plan tailored to your individual healthcare needs.

    This package includes:


    -Prescription testosterone


  • Monthly subscriptions start at $200/month.

Hormone Replacement

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy

    Hormone Replacement Therapy for women - coming soon!

  • Join Our Waitlist and be the first to know about these services!


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