Supplementing with NAD

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme found in every cell in the body and is essential for many biological functions, particularly energy production and cellular repair. NAD plays a crucial role in mitochondrial function, which is the powerhouse of your cells (remember 6th grade biology?). As we age, NAD levels decline, most prominently during our 40’s, leading to decreased energy, slower cellular repair, and reduced resilience to stress and damage.

What Does NAD Do?

NAD is a key player in:

  • Energy metabolism: Mitochondria are dependent on NAD in order to make energy

  • DNA repair: Assists in repairing damaged DNA, which is crucial for preventing cell damage and diseases.

  • Anti-aging: Linked to longer cell life and healthier aging.

  • Cognitive function: Supports brain health and reduces oxidative stress.

Benefits of NAD Supplementation:

Supplementing with NAD can help boost your energy levels, improve cognitive function, enhance cellular repair, and support overall well-being. Some of the reported benefits include:

  • Increased physical and mental energy

  • Improved focus and concentration

  • Enhanced recovery from workouts and physical stress

  • Slowed down aging process, particularly in terms of skin health and muscle preservation

Ways to Increase NAD Naturally: 

To naturally boost your NAD levels, consider making several key lifestyle changes that support healthy cellular function and energy production. 

  1. Exercise- is one of the most effective ways to increase NAD, particularly high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and resistance workouts, which stimulate the production of this important coenzyme. 

  2. Intermittent fasting or caloric restriction- has also been shown to elevate NAD levels by promoting cellular repair processes. 

  3. Diet - A diet rich in NAD precursors such as tryptophan, found in foods like turkey, eggs, and dairy, and niacin-rich foods like fish, peanuts, and green vegetables, can help. 

  4. Sleep- Ensuring adequate sleep and managing stress through practices like meditation or yoga can further protect NAD levels by reducing oxidative stress on your cells. 

By incorporating these lifestyle changes, you can naturally enhance your NAD levels and promote healthy aging and vitality.

NAD Supplementation Options:

There are several ways to supplement NAD, each with its own advantages:

1. Nasal Spray: A convenient option for daily use, nasal sprays can deliver NAD+ directly to the brain, potentially boosting cognitive function. This option can be used once or twice daily.

2. IV Infusions: For those looking for a higher dose, IV NAD infusions provide a potent and immediate boost of NAD. This method is often used in clinics and may require appointments every few weeks.

3. Sublingual Tablets: Taken under the tongue, sublingual NAD tablets are an easy-to-use option for people looking for regular supplementation without needles or infusions.

4. Subcutaneous Injections: This involves injecting NAD+ under the skin, typically once or twice a week, offering sustained NAD levels in the body.

NAD levels rise and fall day to day and studies show that supplementation should fluctuate as well.  “The philosophy of “if some is good, more must be better”, doesn’t apply to NAD+ supplementation.  Research is still limited and the upper limit isn’t yet known.  Most providers dose based on the patient response.

Potential Side Effects: 

NAD isn’t without side effects.  Side effects are particularly associated when it is taken in an IV.  If you go this route be sure that your infusion is given slowly or you could be pretty uncomfortable.  Patient can experience muscle cramping, diarrhea, and nausea.

While NAD supplementation offers numerous benefits for cellular health and energy production, it is not suitable for everyone. Patients with known active cancer should avoid NAD supplements, as increasing NAD levels can potentially fuel the growth of cancer cells. NAD plays a critical role in cellular metabolism, and since cancer cells often have a high metabolic demand, boosting NAD may inadvertently support their rapid growth and proliferation. Additionally, individuals with severe or chronic health conditions should consult with their healthcare provider before starting NAD supplementation to ensure it's appropriate for their specific health circumstances. Always discuss any new supplements with your doctor to avoid adverse effects and ensure safe usage.


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