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Post-Holiday Health Reset: Practical Steps to Get Back on Track

The dawn of a new year brings with it a sense of renewal and a chance to recalibrate our routines. While the holiday season is a joyous time, many of us find ourselves veering off the path of our health goals. I've been hearing from numerous patients who share this sentiment, expressing a desire to refocus and regain control of their well-being. If you resonate with this, here are some tips to help you get back on track in your wellness journey.

Reflect on the Holidays and Plan Ahead

Start by reflecting on your holiday choices without judgment. Identify areas where you could have made better decisions and use this self-awareness to make positive choices in the future. Consider creating a game plan for upcoming events, parties, or vacations. Even a loose plan can guide you toward healthier choices, whether it's eating a nutritious meal beforehand, opting for a smaller dessert portion, or having a healthy snack en route.

Set SMART Goals and Create Vision Boards

Move beyond vague aspirations and set SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For instance, instead of saying, "I want to lose weight," aim for something like "I want to lose 5 lbs in the next month." Visualize your goals by creating a simple vision board. Cut out images representing your objectives and keep them in your planner. There's power in turning your goals into visual reminders.

Intentional Health Planning

Take a proactive approach by planning your week in advance. Whether you prefer a paper planner or a digital tool, review your upcoming weekly schedule once a week.  I typically do mine on Sunday evenings. Fill in non-negotiable commitments first, then schedule time for workouts, plan meals for the week, and incorporate activities that support your SMART goals. Pre-planning provides a sense of control and intention, making it more likely that you will achieve your health goals.

Prioritize Hydration and Physical Activity

It’s always a good idea to prioritize drinking plenty of water and the beginning of the year is a great time to refocus on this healthy habit.   Make hydration a daily goal by writing out daily reminders and crossing off each day in your planner as you reach your goal. Consider investing in a new water bottle to refresh your commitment to staying hydrated. Physical activity is a common New Year's resolution, and it doesn't have to be conventional. I recently discovered working out via a Virtual Reality headset.  I am loving the game “Supernatural VR Flow” which is just $9.99/month.  You can watch a video of it here. (this one was a high intensity but you can start with low intensity) I had never done a Virtual Reality game before but they are super easy to do and the headset I got doesn’t have to have a computer connection.  The games are downloaded directly to the headset.  This is the one I have in case you want to check it out. 

Improve Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is integral to overall well-being and weight management. Improve your sleep environment by using blackout curtains, eliminating all lights, maintaining a cool room temperature, and using a sound machine. Explore sleep aids like Soul sleep gummies, which contain cannabinoids for restful sleep without THC.  These have become a must have for me personally! 

Accountability and Support

Find a friend with similar health goals and team up for mutual support. Having a partner increases accountability and makes the journey more enjoyable. If a spouse isn't available, recruit a friend or co-worker to embark on this health reset together.

Embrace Consistency and Perseverance

It's normal to occasionally veer off track. Rather than giving up, view setbacks as opportunities to reset and refocus. Consistency is your ally, guiding you toward a healthier version of yourself as you navigate the new year with renewed goals.

Remember, your health journey is a continuous process, and each small step contributes to your overall well-being. Feel free to share your tips and experiences in the comments—let's build a supportive community as we embrace a healthier lifestyle together.